The bus was so stupid. We waited SOOOO LONGGGG..
sighs..YE has officially ended. gonna miss it so much!
Looking forward to our new song. Biggest thx to lian yu!
p.s. the "Pix" post was also by me. Forgot to sign below. psps
a toast to our beautiful friendship. 举杯..干杯!! =D
9:32:00 AM
Photos from lian yu's house
9:12:00 AM
subzero actually came over 2 me hse 2 complete d songs i've written n 2 record!!!
honestly..we WORKED on d songs..for more than 12 hours!!!
no joke man!!!! shiak n miang came at bout 12 something in d afternoon n we worked until 1 something that time shiak was lk a little zombie walking around my hse..blindly bumping into bout 12am.. miang started complaining n said i tortured them bla bla blaaa.....hahaa..btw..siang d weak horse came at around 6 n went home at 11 sumthing...i think she didn menyumbang very much except some lyrics(though very important) n some bangings on my piano (her exam piece)....surprisingly d horse is very WEAK!!!!!SO BAE NYONG!!!!!u noe wat...after dinner at MCdonalds, we went home...on d way home there s a winding road...sorta lk a hill road..she started complaining that she was feeling dizzy la...headache la... wat s dis???!!!! a horse is supposed 2 b strong..isn d saying that i used 2 discribe siang 'AS FIT AS A HORSE'...right???!!!
anyway .. we were not very successful in recordings...shiak helped me in arrangement of one of d songs...named 'cute notes'..luckily got shiak ...miang insert most of d notes into her laptop..quite pro huh!!! as for siang...err...mostly lyrics...haha...
we recorded jay chou 's 'secret' movie mia songs as well...n d other song dat i wrote..'forbidden tears' .. a sorrowful song...for piano ...actually i jus completed dis song on fri in school..then miang took d manuscript book back 2 put d scores into her pc...and so i didn get 2 practise...that was why there were a few ..actually not a few la...quite many...wrong notes in d recordings...(i jus practised for 1 hour or so...n dat song was damn difficult...i mean 2 make it perfect in 1 s lk a bit impossible ...for me...haha)
miang ll upload d secret mia song n forbidden tears n d scores soon i think....pls don purposely listen 4 d wrong notes..we ll upload more perfect 1 if we have time 2 record again...
ps: subzero..i admit d pubic speaking seminar is damn funny..but HEY GUYS!!!!i didn do it on PURPOSE, OKAY??????!!!!!! stop laughing!!!!
7:23:00 AM
tt was exactly what duckie wrote in her eng exam ans sheet. haha..
her ans : pubic Speaking Seminar
d right ans: Public Speaking Seminar
we couldnt stop laughing after we found out bout her mistake..hahahaha.. lao huang even CIRCLED it up.. duckie..u were lucky he din mention it to d class. xD
one letter completely changed d meaning of d word. lmao..
7:03:00 PM
omg..i dunno y..ytd everyone suddenly bcame so tumn~~~ until we decided to write a post about it. laawl..
so let me explain y it is so..mostly happened during PJ period..
since exams r over..we had noth to do..dunno where d teacher was la.. then as we were talking under d big tree..
SUMONE SPOTTED A SPIDER. hanging from d tree in mid-air.. d spider was so damn small n its thread was sooooooo0o0o0o0o0o fine tt while we were looking at it..others kept laughing at us..haha.. coz we looked lk we're sum science freak..looking at d tree as if we're so interested in it. LAWL.
then d 1st tumn thg happened..
after looking at it for sum time..i sumhow came up with this thought tt..actually 1 raindrop can drown 1's no joke la..
so i told shiak lor.. 'ei..i tell u la..1 raindrop can actually drown a spider er' n this gal gave me a very TUMN~~~~~ look as if.i was telling a lame joke.. huiyo. i wasnt kidding la..reli kesian spiders..
then even worst.. after a i was looking at d padang..she told me..'ei..i tell u la..' she made it sound as if it's reli mysterious..then she said..' 2 RAIN DROPS CAN DROWN TWO SPIDERS..' n i was lk. *jaw drop*!! omg! damn tumn~~~!!!! she even stressed d word TWO SPIDERS. can u blif it??!!
then soon after tt subzero n ernie n yun hui went to d padang..when we were in d middle of d VAST GREEN OPEN. xD i suddenly had d urge to JUMP.. hahaha..i dunno y..but i juz feel lk jumping.. so i asked everyone to jump lor..n we were lk 1, 2, 3..jump!!!hahaha.. it's so tumn but then it's so fun!!hahah..
then n there..most of d time we were standing..except SHIAK..who kept sitting down on d grass..weird la..dunno y pun..she's lk jelly..we stand there talking talking talking then she will sit-on-d-grass..then we do lk sum running or whatever d..she SITS-ON-D-GRASS-AGAIN.. then duckie n goh kept saying she's old d..hami osteoporosis.. lawl..
there r lots of other tumn thgs but sum can only be shown nia..dunno how to write in words..while others i've forgotten d. so i th tt's all for now. xD
p.s.: paise zero members.. i know this post is reli long..coz i dunno how to write a short one ler..hehe.. i th im juz good at crapping i guess? xD
by miang.
7:37:00 PM
My uncle and his fiancee came to penang (together with my grandma and cousins) to take their wedding photo. Guess what weird idea they came up with.
They wore our school uniforms and took photos at my school. Ya that's right, in PCGHS. haha
9:17:00 AM
Duckie is composing songs!! i'm so excited bout it!! seriously cant wait to listen...
i hope it's really touching and u know hong2 wan so when ppl listen first thing that comes to their mind is: WOW damn hong!!~~ haha...
duckie is busy 'composing' (i hate that word, sounds so pro...)
miang has finished 'performing' (hate that also, sounds erm... mozart XD)
siang is erm.. dunno wat she's up to. i guess she's turning violent these days wif all the 'killing' going on... (siang: i'll KILL-uhh uuuuuuu.........)
me... erm... damn. i'm not doing anything in particular. watever...
siang, i still don't have "inspirations" worr.... kindly enlighten me.
8:21:00 AM
hey guys...
it has been a long time i havent written anything here...sorry guys...i m actually quite busy... busy composing songs for SUBZERO!!!! yahoooooooooooo!!!!!aiya...damn it!!!my mom jus came in...oh god !!!she zai bout d presence of subzero liao la....gai liao la....pray..hope she ll not ask too much question bout subzero...if she knows she ll think i hav gone insane...summore compose songs for subzero........haiz.......
i sincerely think n hope dat d songs ll b published quite soon ...though it has not yet been fully n perfectly completed..i don think it ll take me a long time...jus wait patiently..u guys...we promise we ll publish d songs here...well..i said d 'songs' didn i???!!! dat s right!!!!! i think it ll b more than 1 song!!!!
by d way...
congratulations!!!! ye!!!
though i m not one of u guys...err...i mean ye ...but im happy for you all!!!!GAMBATE!!!!YOUNG ENTERPRISE!!!
ps: to miang...why so mysterious????!!! honestly..i hav no idea wat u mean...paise la... it s impossible dat concert got leng cai 1 ma....except if u mean d one...WAHAHAHHAHAHHA!!!!!!!
lastly n most importantly..
everyone!!!!!!!look forward to d songs...i wont dissappoint u guys!!! ^.^
5:28:00 AM
1 tumn~~
omg!!ytd was D BEST DAY of my life!!
d reasons r juz normal ones only la..but everyth sums up to make my day a perfect one. xD xD xD
so first.. EXAMS R OVER. literally. xD
2nd.. juz knew bout our YE result..n it was not bad. heheh...altho we weren't as good as last year's which managed to win d best annual report..but at least we maintained as 2nd overall ( last year's was 2nd overall also)
LASTLY..mUAHHHAHAHAHAHHA...aiya..damn..cant say. xD or ppl will th tt im nuts.. haha..but zero members know bout it. xD i th this is d MAIN reason tho tt im so happy. xD sry guys..hehe.
then went to d Dorsett Hotel[formerly known as Sheraton] today to perform in the Music Makers' Party organised by my music sch..
actually wanted to let u guys listen to a quite geng mia song played by another student..but stud file format..grrrr..
tt's all for now.
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! EXAMS R O.V.E.R!!!!!!xD xD
so there will b lots of posts from us after this..xD
5:37:00 AM
Finally, it's over!! Well, almost at least.
anyway, nothing particular to write about.
I'd like to share this awesome video from youtube. And also to show mingli.
(It's about the popping and locking i told you about.) Really nice!
and Selamat Hari Raya. God i sound like a malay. not to be racist or anything.
Just...enjoy the video.
10:07:00 AM
2007 YE CHALLENGE TROPHY for Best Managed YE Company
Prominent Enterprise
Phor Tay High School
Sponsor: Dell Asia Pacific
1st Runner-up
Versé Enterprise
Penang Chinese Girls’ High School
Sponsor: Federal Express
2nd Runner-up
Khanz Technologies
S.M.K. Hamid Khan
Sponsor: Penang Skills Development Corporation
3rd Runner-up
White Lion Enterprise
S.M. K. Kampung Kastam
Sponsor: Universiti Sains Malaysia
BEST ANNUAL REPORT Achievement Award 2007
Cadenza Enterprise
Methodist Girls’ School
Sponsor: Citibank Penang
1st Runner-up
Blitzkrieg Enterprise
Chung Ling High School
Sponsor: Penang Seagate
2nd Runner-up
TARP Corporation
S.M. Teknik Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra
Sponsor: Motorola
3rd Runner-up
Double A Enterprise
S.M.K. Datuk Hj. Abdul Kadir
Sponsor: BCM Electronic
BEST PRODUCT Achievement Award 2007
Évex Enterprise
Convent Green Lane
Sponsor: Agilent Technologies
1st Runner-up
Business Chaos Enterprise
S.M.K. Sacred Heart
Sponsor: Intel
2nd Runner-up
X-Beez Team Enterprise
S.M.K. Raja Tun Uda
Sponsor: Motorola
3rd Runner-up
Whooop$ Enterprise
S.M.K. Batu Maung
Sponsor: Malaysian Automotive Lighting
Cadenza Enterprise
Methodist Girls’ School
Sponsor: Citibank Penang
Kasten Enterprise
Penang Free School,
Sponsor: Osram Opto Semiconductors
Versé Enterprise
Penang Chinese Girls’ High School
Sponsor: Federal Express
Prominent Enterprise
Phor Tay High School
Sponsor: Dell Asia Pacific
Unique Enterprise
SMK Bukit Jambul
Sponsor: Advanced Micro Devices
9:17:00 AM
shiak here~~... wooo exams over d~~ hehe... i haven't been using a computer for sooooooo long... my god.. i think i'm typing really slow now. and i dun even noe how to get this thg working... arghh~~ coz my bro pi kl a year laptop oso bring sama. leave me here without a computer!!! worse: he only comes bac lk once in dunno how many mths. haih. soooo now he's bac .pua me sa ke only i can write. summore hav to take turns...
To miang, duckie, sy luv u guys~~!!!
and tis is a wonderful blog! love it~~@:)
but i tink u ppl shud post more. ppl lk me le once in a while can d. :P~~
i noe all i've written is juz crap..hehe.. till nex time i hav a pc tataz...!!!
9:13:00 AM