Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bic Mac Chant - VOTE for my big bro!!!

Hey everybody!!
pls vote for my big bro by clicking the below link :

here's his video - Big Mac Chant in Stop Motion

thx a lot!!


Tuesday, May 27, 2008


subZero went to psc....again...ya..dats practically d only place 4 subzero to take LOTS N LOTS of pics...right??!!

----------ping pong room----------

yo subZero!cheeeesseee !^^

goh demonstrating a smash..err..a badminton smash one in dis world would smash a pingpong dis way...

after dat we play n goh vs miang n shiak...

here comes d most interesting + embarassing incident..i would say...something worth mentioning..


when we passed d reception ..d receptionist called out 'excuse me' ...aha!i smelled trouble...4 hearts sank..(adrenalines were secreted btw...haha)...not dat goh was trying to smuggle us in or wat...but we were unsure whether a junior member was able bring in guests or not... actually if goh 's mum aka pn chan had signed in d book... we would hav been n sound in psc..taking lots n lots of pics...somehow...we got chased out in d end... comes d COOLEST part...everthing was sooo unplanned!!! but went incredibly well..we went out..thinking of catching a rapid to that moment..a rapid came into our view...n i stucked my arm out n started waving crazily at d bus...(other zero members dared not do it!!!!)..d bus driver stopped 4 us..though not a bus stop...n 4 d 1st time in our lives...we boarded a public bus ..headed 4 G*U*R*N*E*Y!!!

------on rapid-------


as usual...lots n lots of pics celebrate our success..(1st time boarded a public bus) XD

reject shop

vince & co.
d salesgirls were damn kiam pa..i jus dun get it...y d long faces??!!

coffee bean






shiak(d most inactive member..but contributed her photography..XD)

make up d only n d 4eva tumnest


luv u guys!



Friday, May 23, 2008

70% un-Msian.xD

Congratulations Chew Ming Li, you are 70% not Malaysian.

That means you're as Malaysian as...

Guy Sebastian !

cool!! i didnt know tt.xD

How Un-Malaysian Are You?

jpn eng paper over sch paper

juz heard tt our sch will be using jpn eng paper's results for our eng marks!!
apparently it's instructed by d jpn..

still not sure whether it's true or not..
but it's plain ridiculous!!
i totally DONT see any point in doing tt..
everyone juz transferred their essays from reference books onto d answer sheets..
how can those be marked??
also. it reli wouldnt be fair to those who din memorize.

aihh..but then..
what to do??
our education system rocks to d max!!


what the hell??

tt was actually my first reaction when i saw d Qs for d bc exam paper..

what the hell??

d Qs. especially for 古文. were damn difficult. as if we hadn't already known tt it's EXTREMELY difficult to get a 1A in chinese..

let me show u an example:

竹杖芒鞋轻胜马, 谁怕? 一蓑烟雨任平生.

as if it wasnt bad enough to not understand what tt meant..
d Q asked us to translate it to modern language. GOODNESS.
maybe yun hui can do tt..but definitely not me.

ok.tell me how u're gonna translate tt to modern chinese.
d first part was especially urghhh..

i was lk..
bamboo at war with mango as shoes?? n beat d horses easily???
so i tried my VERY BEST for tt to make sense..n it was difficult i tell u..
i th d teacher can fall off d chair laughing while marking our papers.

we were even expected to know what FEELING d poet was trying to convey. omg.

i couldnt help thinking tt only d person who wrote it n those from tt era knew what d passage was talking about.

huiyo..y make life so difficult for everyone??
we're only average students with no particular liking whatsoever for chinese language from tt era.
so. y not set simple Qs?
students get high marks. teachers get praised. d whole world is happy.
isnt tt much better??xD

* btw. im juz complaining bout d Qs.
totally no intention to offend anyone in anyway. juz afraid tt ppl who r into chinese history or sumth will th tt im condemning it. xD
