it's 31st of December 2008.10.10pm. and im in my study room. chatting away on msn when everyone is either in gurney or queensbay waiting to countdown to the year 2009.
the inspiration to write this post came when a fren asked how i felt about 2008..
n i was lk..woww..good question..coz i hadnt thought about it at
so..ermm..i answered that fren that i have mixed emotions actually..2008 has been a significant year for me..what with spm, graduation and all..
so a summary of how i feel of the year 2008.. xD :
i feel LUCKY..extremely lucky to have friends who were really supportive and understanding..from day one of the year till today..they've been this pillar of strength for me..when biology or sj is almost impossible to finish in time.when my mood is a lil down. just talking or being around u guys is sufficient to make me feel a whole lot better =) plus it was never boring to go to school..i mean how could it be possible when u guys were there..always talking n joking around..LOVE U GUYS LOTSSS!! i cant imagine not having u guys there this would have been BORINGGGG =D
i feel GRATEFUL..for having such great teachers this year..revi was our saviour..if not for him..i would surely dread studying biology for spm..S5A-ers know why.xD ong lay peng for her personality which made her lessons very chi anny for being so cute..always teaching in her sing-song voice n dancing around in class which was amusing at times..gan chee meng for being so dedicated..printing lots of notes for us..n actually teaching during every moral lesson..n of coz not to forget ah wee..with her ohhh-kay..xD n other teachers as well..they were reli dedicated and we couldnt have asked for better teachers..
i feel SAD..sad that my time in peng hwa had finally come to an end and im no longer part of this insitution anymore..yaya..there had been times when we complained n grumbled bout our sch..especially during d testimonial-writing days..when there were so many restrictions..but still..i've spent five years of my 17 yrs there..n u is a part of me now..
i've finally completed my secondary school years and heading on to college life..
i've been with mostly d same classmates since form 2..
i will miss the queues to the labs..the chatter when teacher's not in class..n literally the scene of the whole class..
ppl..i miss u guys lk crazzyyyy..
i feel BLESSED.. for getting satisfactory results in school..for having such an enjoyable sec sch life..for how everyth eventually turns out fine..n of coz for everyth in life.xD life's perfect at d moment..hope it will remain this way =)
all in all..laughter.sweat.tears. at least these are what i think of when ppl ask me to describe my 2008.
it is no doubt a very very very memorable and meaningful year for me..
and i will certainly rmb every single detail of it..
we're all heading on our different paths search of our own future..
goodluck ppl n best of luck!
im very sure tt u guys will make me proud one day..
but do d midst of all take some time out to BREATHE and cherish the moments that we have had together..hope that they will make u guys motivated..n all charged up to aim for the moon. =D
in retrospect..i believe i have indeed grown up a lil after having gone thru so much in 2008..and u know what?
i actually look forward to 2009..
i wonder what's in store for me..hmm..
*excited* xD
*ohya..almost forgot about it..
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
6:09:00 AM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
gohgi to the rescue!!
I know many people are saying that our blog is decaying, and because other subzero members are always so lazy to update our blog (or maybe they have their own things to worry about XD), i'll be the one to save our blog. again.
I'll just talk about what I've been up to these few days.
There's mostly nothing to do la these days. Watch TV, hang out with friends, online...that's about it. Boring i know.
On 3 Dec, we were supposed to return our textbooks and get our testimonial, result book etc. from the school. Si kui duckie went to take the undang test, and asked me to carry her extremely heavy books to school. You owe me man. I thought I was very kesian d, carrying 2 stacks of textbooks. until I saw jojo who was carrying 3! Bobo and blurbear very paisi ei ar, bully jojo.
Ernie, Mingli and I watched twilight after that. It was super duper chukap nice! Go watch it people! It was funny though coz we were supposed to wear our grey colour "fei" shirt to school, so in gurney that day, You could see people wearing the "fei" shirt almost everywhere. haha..
The Trailer for Twilight
Um..what else...Oh, Duckie and I went for a haircut. She always says that her hair salon was very good, while I always complained that mine sucks. But it turns out that we've been going to the same hair salon all this time. haha..Duckie's hair looks really nice coz she dyed it. wei hoimun, upload your picture so everyone can see la. I even praised that your hair's nice d.
Those who didn't come to school on 3 dec (paisi!),
Ernie's having a christmas party on christmas (25 dec) at her house, her new house.
The theme is bananas, so everyone must wear something yellow or something with bananas. What a cool theme right. ^^
Ok, I wrote enough.
7:17:00 PM